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  • Writer's pictureSabrina

How to Access Intuition

I've mentioned accessing intuition in this post and this post, but what does it really mean?

Intuition is your gut feeling. It's an inner knowing that has less to do with conscious thought and more to do with instinct. The exact definition is up for debate, but there's no denying that intuition plays a vital role in decision making.

Everyone has intuition. There may be different words for it, or people who seem to experience using it often and others who have to really be paying attention to really feel it at all. But it's always there and always accessible.

Most of us spend most of our time in our thoughts. We're living in our heads - thinking through and about things all of the time (or at least some of us are...). Our minds are constantly chattering and analyzing away without much attention or resolution. Often times that chatter can make you feel like a hamster on a wheel - spinning and spinning with no intention to ever get off. However, this overthinking can become boring or painful or overwhelming (or all three). Since our minds are taking in so much, they also retain ideas that may not even be what's true for us.

So many clients have come to me because they don't know what they want. They've lost touch with themselves and their minds are running the show without them even realizing it. It's difficult - if not impossible - to prioritize and make clear decisions when our minds are spinning.

Our goal together is to get off the hamster wheel by pausing our minds endless chatter, access our inner knowing (intuition), and start making decisions from that place.

Discovering our intuition can make decision making easier by connecting us to our true values and desires. So why not learn how to purposefully access it, rather than it being something that you notice by chance?

Become quiet and still.

Close your eyes or soften your gaze.

Note: both of these steps are to help you remove distractions. If you know of other ways that help you get in tune with your body, of course, do those!

Bring your awareness into your body.

Focus on the space in your body (usually gut or chest) where you feel a deep sense of self.

Notice what you hear, see, sense, or experience in the identified space.

Your intuition is an unlimited resource. It can be accessed any time that you make the choice to connect with it. It may be strange and challenging at first.The more you practice it, the stronger your connection is going to get.


Ready to connect more deeply to your intuition?

Let me help you strengthen your relationship with yourself. Click the link here to schedule a free consult call with me.

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